
Every Hero in Chaos Of 12 Legions has 4 stats: Health Point (HP), Agility (AGI), Intelligent (INT), Luck (LUCK)

  • Priority 1: High Agility - a Hero with a higher speed will attack first.

  • Priority 2: Low HP - a Hero with lower health will attack first.

  • Priority 3: High INT - a Hero with higher INT will attack first.

  • Priority 4: High LUCK - a Hero with higher Luck will attack first.

  • Priority 5: Low ID - a Hero with lower ID will attack first.

Soul Stone Attributes:

Heroes in Chaos Of 12 Legions has 4 Soul Stones attached to their body.

Each Soul Stone carries the soul of the Class that increases the stats and determines Skill Card

  • Warrior's Soul: HP+2, LUCK+2

  • Archer's Soul: AGI+2, LUCK+2

  • Cleric's Soul: INT+2, LUCK+2

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